04. Telescope

  • Telescope is, created by one of the main members of the Neovim team - TJ Devries .

  • Side note, TJ posts a lot of Neovim related content on his YouTube channel and on his Twitch streams. In particular, his channel YouTube has been a great resource. Check it out!

  • Telescope is an essential plugin in my opinion. It's a fuzzy search engine built into Lua that can be configured in all sorts of ways. It adds a lot of functionality to your Neovim setup. I haven't realized its true potential yet, but it's awesome for file search and text search.

I have tested this on both Linux and macOS, but it should work on Windows as well.

  • Let's install it (we'll put all the commands in your terminal):
  • Paste this code into your init file.
call plug#begin(has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged'))

" Telescope install Neovim
" Planery"
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
" Telescope plugin
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
" Fuzzy Telescope fzf
Plugin 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', { 'do': 'make' }

call plug#end()
  • Note that we are installing more than one plugin here. Telescope requires another plugin called Planery. And another plugin is Telescope Sorter, which supports fzf and Telescope syntax.

  • To complete the installation, be sure to follow these three steps:

  • Save init.vim :w
  • Restore the source of init.vims :so % or restart Neovim
  • Install the plugin using :PlugInstall.

  • Next we need to configure Telescope. This is a common practice among Vim plugins. Telescope is a Lua based plugin.

  • First we need to create a new lua folder in the directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua.

cd ~/.config/nvim
mkdir lua
  • Inside the lua directory, we will create a subdirectory for the namespace of our plugin configurations. To understand why this is necessary, we need to explain how Vim handles file lookups. In short, creating a namespace subdirectory inside the lua directory prevents unwanted file collisions .

I decided to use my GitHub nick as the name of my subdirectory:

cd ~/.config/nvim/lua
mkdir kankys
  • It doesn't matter what you name the directory. Once you create it, you'll want to move to it using cd:

cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name

  • Note: your-directory-name is used as a placeholder. Replace it with the name of your directory you want.

  • In the namespace directory, create a plugin-name.lua file for each plugin you want/need to configure. You create Telescope like this (we are persistent in cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name ):

nvim telescope.lua

  • A useful Vim tip is that you can open files before they exist. If you close a file without saving it, it won't be created! In the example above, we open telescope.luav in Neovim. If we save the file, it will be created.

  • Our configuration for Telescope will be:

local telescope = require('telescope')
telescope.setup {}
  • Paste this code into telescope.lua and save. Everything we need is in the telescope.lua file.
  • The above example gives us a first taste of Lua. I've found that a lot of plugins need at least this setup in lua:

require('PLUGIN_NAME').setup {}

I won't dive deep into the Telescope configuration in this post. If you want to see some of the available setup options and additional customization, check out the documentation.

  • Don't forget to save telescope.lua and exit Neovim with :wq.

  • Next, we need to tell our init.vim that a lua file exists somewhere:

In my case, I would state:

lua require('kankys') by pasting it into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

A couple of notes: * Paste this command under the vim-plug function ( `` call plug#end() )!

  • What does it do? At first it looks a bit magical and understanding it requires knowledge of Vim search, but basically this command will search for a lua file in your Vim runtime.
  • in our case it is:


  • Instead of requiring every configuration file in our init.vim, we can just require the namespace directory. For this to work, we'll need to add a new file to our namespace directory called init.lua:
cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name
touch init.lua

The * init.lua file can be thought of as an index file. Inside init.lua we can load all our configuration files.

  • In init-lua let's put the following code:


  • You can easily understand everything I've said above if you look at the nvim configuration files here on Git.

  • From now on, all new lua configuration files will be in lua/your-directory-name.


  • Telescope has a number of commands that can be used, :Telescope in NORMAL mode in Neovim. A quick way to see all the available commands is to type :Telescope followed by a space and then click <Tab>. The tab button opens a list of autocomplete, available commands in Telescope. You can navigate the list using <Tab> and <Shift-Tab> in the opposite direction.

  • The Telescope command is shown below, for demonstration purposes: :Telescope find_files

You can view the Telescope documentation in Neovim by:

:h telescope

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